According to the topics given the most difficult in the first few days. All thoughts of this season revolve around alcohol. Gradually the desire to drink recedes, the active and the work allows you to escape from problems. The matter is complicated by the fact that friends and continued acquaintances used to call the drunken parties and celebrations. Drop hard, especially when they start making fun of friends and the idea to discredit the sober way of life. If you can't resist, so that the stabilisation and association agreement easier. Really good friends, don't turn pois, if you do not inform Hello, avoid drinking alcohol.

How to stop drinking?
You can expect That the person who spent thirty days sober:
- Changing the taste of familiar dishes become tastier, food ceases to be a "snack" and began to be an additional source of positive emotions;
- add concentration – after 30 days without alcohol the brain activity is improved by almost 18%, which is reflected not only in concentration and attention, but also memory, ability to make quick decisions, etc.;
- normal sleep, which began to see vivid dreams and some sleep in vain like a log all night, and the next morning, feeling well rested;
- increases resistance to stress – contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a strong depressant, which means that drinkers suffer a heavier blow and the fate of the force majeure. Kun vain 35 days of sobriety the solution of complex life problems is easier and are in stressful situations have taken to heart;
- improve physical performance – for those who play sports, the key role of the environment, that complete abstinence from alcohol gives a nice boost to physical development.
But those who are far away from the exercise include: climbing up the stairs becomes easier, encouraging Hiking, and physical Work of that pleasant fatigue, not a painful fatigue. Those who no longer drink alcohol for a month you will notice that you are drinking started again, I would not, not needs. The opposite drunk living and sober, many choose the latter and become pathological drinkers. Unfortunately, most people do not know how to relax without drinking. Such a love of alcohol often develop alcohol dependence. Any alcoholic beverages adversely affect the entire body. Ethanol irritates the mucous membrane of the internal organs, interfering with the digestive tract, overloads the kidneys liver ny, ny-intoxicate the brain.

Drinking allows you to relax and forget about the negative thoughts. Wrong use of the decomposition result and the perfect death. Is it fun, worth paying for your own health? After all, the benefits of sobriety is obvious. According to medical statistics, people who refuse to alcohol, not the face:
- intoxication;
- diseases of the heart and the liver;
- delirium tremens;
- breaking.
A man should drink in moderation
If a person does not drink, then it is not a question of "How to drink in moderation?". During strong intoxication, possible intoxication, with all its consequences. The sober man did not put the heart, liver and brain attack. A person with a sobriety of life — the norm, not ever encountered with alcohol dependency. The advantages of sobriety in the face. Intoxicating drinks not only adversely affect the internal organs, but also affect a person's appearance. The drinker's level of learning. He has bags under the eyes the face is swollen, take the gray tone of the skin, the hair becomes brittle and dull. Choose a life without alcohol, you can choose youth and beauty.
Often drink alone. He lose their jobs, friends and family. Choosing a sober lifestyle, such problems are not terrible. The ability to bear and raise healthy children — this is another important advantage of giving up alcohol. According to statistics, the ethanol having pois and a large number of children mutilated in life. Without alcohol Life can be bright and colorful. How to have fun and drink? There are many options worthy "weekend alcoholic". To get the most of the weekends that the apple phone with:
- choose the right / the company;
- out there in the wild;
- travel;
- visit the tour of his native city.
Can not live without communication? Then find / try, where is the alcohol going to stand in the first place. Spend time having fun with your family. / Company can be of Great kids. Price healthy positive playing monopoly or football. Children's entertainment will remove the grief and learn to have fun without alcohol. Nothing helps to dispel the thoughts, like a breath of fresh air. How to relax in nature without alcohol? And fulfill your dream to jump with a parachute or learn to fly a hang glider. Extreme sports, If you don't like the holiday, you can go camping overnight or enjoy a swim in the lake on the boat. Make the most of the weekend to give you lots of and positive emotions unforgettable.

Can't live without traveling? Go to the new portion of impressions of any city. Optional fly expensive Islands, you can go a little way to a nearby town and explore its attractions. How to relax without a drink? If you want classics, or then go to the theater for exhibition. If it makes you boring, includes movie theaters, concerts of popular groups. Such an interesting and fun weekend you will remember for a long time.
If Friday get-togethers with friends in the bar the norm for you, then it is time to change this tradition and learn how to relax without alcohol. How can you relax at home? Relieve the stress of your busy week to help a hot bubble bath, your favorite music, a good movie or a massage. Escape alcohol helps interesting book or a computer game. This kind of holiday makes the brain work better. A good night's sleep then you are guaranteed. Or not to Drink to drink alcoholic beverages is an individual of the Ah person and the final decision is the man. For those who put in the first place, alcohol is not pleasant and more joy of life has long been rather a healthy way of life and catch the every day bright notes.
Abstinence from alcohol
In today's society it is customary every holiday to drink large amounts of alcohol, it beer, champagne, vodka, home-tea or tincture. Saying: "Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantities" sounded funny not like the old days. We use at times the lethal dose, for life and then to fight we are not, and the doctor. Buy alcohol and drink it becomes the norm.
The first / try to get rid of alcohol quite often does not meet the expectations, because of what the hands are counted, it appears that less still does not make sense. Clear insight-But the fact that there are several problems — a glimmer of hope, and it gives a powerful boost of energy to permanently remove alcohol from everyday life. Man must use maximum effort to achieve goals, they will justify itself and fully. As soon as life went poi ill-fated desire to drink something stronger, updated circle of friends, began to show interests and new Hobbies, it is a wonderful traditional family, the children and their achievements will delight you in school, sports, art.

Health every day comes back to normal, the internal organs function actively, the brain and the robot more productive. Studies have shown that alcoholism is not is not to make you regret your choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, the years pass but the ill-fated alcohol want to remove from memory forever. In order to avoid recurrence of breakdowns, you can use the at times anti-alcohol preparations, which are sold on the free market. The solution to that would be Ideal, daily exercise, which led to the blood and get the adrenaline rush of endorphins — the hormones of alvara.
- Changing taste sensations. Familiar food is delicious, stop being an appetizer for a meal, and begin to perceive the source of positive emotions.
- Sleep Improve quality. The next morning, the patient feels rested.
- Increases the concentration. Easier to make decisions, to focus.
- The physical indicators are on the rise. The patient climb stairs, to walk down the street. The physical Work that pleasant fatigue, fatigue.
- Increases resistance to stress. The problem is not taken seriously.
To refrain from intoxicating drinks is not as easy as it looks what. The early stages of alcoholism get rid of bad habits by force of will. Abstinence from alcohol for 2-3 stage more difficult to flow and more painful.
Methods of treatment
Every day without the abuse of ethanol is a small victory. The first positive changes are visible after 30 days of life without alcohol:

- Changing taste sensations. Familiar food is delicious, stop being an appetizer for a meal, and begin to perceive the source of positive emotions.
- Sleep Improve quality. The next morning, the patient feels rested.
- Increases the concentration. Easier to make decisions, to focus.
- The physical indicators are on the rise. The patient climb stairs, to walk down the street. The physical Work that pleasant fatigue, fatigue.
- Increases resistance to stress. The problem is not taken seriously.
A few months of sobriety a person realizes that he begins to live better. He is no longer dependent on alcohol, the views of his former friends "by misfortune". In the evening after work is not necessary to drink alcohol to relax. There is a huge variety of other entertainment, not less interesting.
Why drink alcohol if it is harmful?
Our society has strongly supported the idea that drinking slowly, in moderation, on top of and even perfectly acceptable useful.
Drink the all — stars of the entertainment world, actors, politicians, influencers, neighbor, Peter, 5 apartments.
And like what I've done, I don't at all like that and better. The largest and most dangerous misconception is the idea that a glass or two of beer content, its great for the hard week you deserve well, you don't need!
This is an insidious alcohol is a drug that is woven into our lives slowly, gradually displacing all the other fun.

Interest rates fall sharply the attitude of the society. We talk about it a lot, but don't judge. And if you blame, well, anywhere for nothing to go to or nearby the bar trade and have fun with friends. It became part of the culture. For example, my life it all begins comes to liqueurs together with new friends.
Children, especially Teenagers are watching to see what surrounds them, and now I know why I first tried to poison.
I saw dozens of holiday, where to drink adults and laughs, a TV series, where the romantic couple in the most important moment he should life a glass of sparkling wine.
More than I Am sure that the environment is similar given you a lot of pictures, which are so firmly entrenched in the subconscious, please note that we do not even.
How drinking alcohol stop altogether? The idea I want to convey stop and again to understand what actually paid. Here And strange things are well.
Stop drinking really!
How to quit drinking in the early stages? In this stage, the physical addiction is not formed and the withdrawal syndrome is poorly defined. Strong drinks taken mainly during the holidays, gatherings with friends or after a hard day. Relax and have fun without drinking. The company's alcohol, you can substitute non-alcoholic beverages (iced tea, coffee, soda, energy drinks, Cola). There are also many cocktail recipes which do not contain alcohol.

Life will begin to improve all aspects. The biggest change is probably that you can change the circle of friends. In some companies it will be difficult at first, so as not to drink, or you will notice that you had a connection to a pointless celebration. Are case, not even thinking of quitting when I walk mainly in the rockers or bikers, even though there are, undoubtedly, not a lot of people drinking. Not the stabilisation and association agreement binding among the creative elite-and freestyle-artists. But finally when I have decided at this stage, with the exception of a few dozen phone calls-invitations, everything was lost. Yes, I'm not sorry, leaving unnecessary the most loyal friends. And a man in a case, most likely, to pay the same for a change of scenery.
It "filter poi" stop and life is messy people hanging around. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to be present at the table, which is used. On the contrary, you'll find that the fun you can have without promoters if the company is good. You have a lot of free time, think in advance, to take what it. Find a new hobby, which will delay the head. Sports and select the I spent hours watching videos of proper exercise techniques and, of course, practiced. You can first jump with a parachute, to draw a picture or be inspired by climbing. The main thing — to take the first few months. Try to train it to drink more plain gas without water and switch to a healthy diet.