Uncontrolled drinking of alcoholic beverages adversely affect the human body. It is known to all, but to no avail a few to consciously limit the alcohol in its. The dangers of alcohol, say doctors, scientists and all below, read the special lectures in schools, carried out diagnosis among the adult population, but this is a problem is not resolved. The dangers of alcohol so strong that it can lead to irreversible consequences.

How alcohol affects your health
Alcohol is harmless not to call. Many doctors believe that alcohol use is disproportionately small compared to its harmfulness. Dry red wine every day to drink, can reduce the risk of hypertension. Brandy can prevent stroke. The periodic reception of the spirits, cleanse the blood vessels and prevent plaque. But lead to uncontrolled drinking irreversible consequences. The toxic effect of alcohol on the human body leads to irreversible changes in the liver, heart and brain. Causes of alcohol abuse are many reasons to stay, too much. Why do people do this? Why not drink in vain in small doses? The answer lies in body chemistry. Ethanol all very quickly into metabolic processes in the body, such as nicotine, without this outside supplement often has unpleasant sensations in the form of unhealthy needs. This is the first signs of addiction that should be treated and gone. Bad habits can quickly ruin a life. The scourge of alcoholism is known around the world. Suffering from wealthy population groups and, and the children of wealthy parents and the poor, unfair to the injured, yes, and successful. Let the Alcoholic beverages are not answers to the questions, but thank you for Hey, a person, a time to forget and issues it is a chance to relax and calm down. Sometimes, in moments of extreme stress, use of alcohol and it may be necessary to useful. But such situations and cases are very rare.
Disadvantages of the body and alcohol of the systems the organs
Destroyed the walls of the small intestine. The use of the camera and burn the remains in the throat to the stomach. In developing countries gastric ulcers and gastritis. The system is not working properly. Food lies too long and starts to rot, decomposing the Heart and blood vessels, blood vessel Walls become thinner. The heart muscle is weakened. Occur arrhythmias, heart disease, has increased table and heart attacks strokes in humans.
Most brain cells. Ethanol destroys the fatty tissue of the membranes of nerve fibers. Looks like drowsiness, decreased reaction. Man loses concentration, memory, ny, ny could be sensible logical thinking. Willpower drops to zero. An inert person, subject to the will of another. Develop neuropathy, leading to irreversible consequences.
Cirrhosis of the liver fatty liver and are most often found in other complications. The body can no longer properly perform their duties. Shorten the life span.
Why is alcohol harmful? Ethanol easily penetrates through the shell of each cell. It can be in vain for water to be digested in the context. So always hungover in the morning so thirsty. Alcohol literally sucks the life out of the cells of the body forces the liquid form, which is necessary for metabolic processes. Develops dehydration. How affects the body alcohol? Alcohol consumption Often leads to pathological dependence, where people can't fight alone. Medical treatment is needed, medical treatment and psychological counseling. Ethanol is embedded in the metabolic processes very easily and quickly, so that the body feels the need. Alcoholism is a disease, which is irresponsible victim.

The dangers of alcohol still in school say, but the teenager's stubbornness to succumb to the injurious way. Doubt is Not the fact that the family plays an important role. Children often copy the behavior of their parents. Adults And if every day to drink a beer, and a teenager in the early follow their example. Alcohol kills slowly but surely. Often when people are aware of the problem, it is too late to change something. Ethanol will cause such damage to the body, which is not void to fight. Half of the cost from the part and removed the intestines in the stomach. Not to mention the high risk of cancer.
Statistics and facts
Craving for alcohol has terrible consequences. Alcoholism is a terrible approach to the unconscious victim in their own activities. A person is not able to restrain themselves in control and their desires and actions. Dangerous than alcohol:
- 92 % of all cases of violence is a state of intoxication.
- 85% of all first sexual experiences of Teenagers belong to the state of alcoholic intoxication.
- 73% of unplanned pregnancies occur through the fault of the spirits.
- Half of the traffic accident is made because of drunk drivers.
- Half of families fall apart because the other spouse is suffering from alcoholism.
- Half of All murders in the state of alcoholic intoxication.
- A quarter of suicide cases of this terrible disease.
The statistics are scary. More harmful worse than alcoholism and as there is no other bad habits. Quickly and work Drugs are illegal. Nicotine dependence lends itself more easily to treatment. What's that an alcoholic devastating harm. According to the Who, what beer drinking is most common in the world. It is considered that a light alcoholic beverage, beer is less harmful to the body. But it is not. A small part of the ethanol in the drink to smooth a bad impression. But beer drinking, according to the who common in the world, especially among teenagers. If vague gradually. The effect of alcohol is felt so clearly. Just this morning, when a person realizes that ellen was not quite sufficient. This is a terrible insidious features and a light alcoholic drink to call its own fateful role in the lives of young people. The toxic effect of alcohol can be a long time.
Damage to the female body
Women are particularly vulnerable to alcohol abuse. This is due to the body's, hormonal. Women do not have the same power of song to resist bad habits than men. They are more difficult to fight disease. What dose of is safe for women? A glass of red wine celebration will benefit. A glass of champagne to relax. But a bottle of Martini, drunk, with two friends has undoubtedly impact on health. Doctors and biologists argue, the female body that a certain number of balls, which throughout life remained unchanged. This means that alcohol will affect the egg dose, which can become if completely human. Common to observe young girls, with a bottle of beer in his hand. They seem to be adults. It fact, it seems that he is young and too stupid, short-sighted. The harm of alcohol for women is closed every dose of alcohol, because of the toxic effects in. This mainly affects the future offspring. Doesn't matter, stop drinking greatly rejoice when a girl or not. The fact that he has his life reflected during the been her children. This And terrible fact. It is necessary to inform the young generation. Maybe then their actions are not so irresponsible.

Harm to the male body
The harm of alcohol for men is primarily obvious if you have erectile dysfunction. The disease is nasty. Men who abuse alcohol from an early age, this disease can manifest itself quite early – a 35-year-old. Use the camera to ignore such precedent in man, but over time the problem becomes more apparent. And then go to the doctor, it is too late. Harmless, if a rare party with friends, after which we have another day to rest? Hardly this. Even the rare party disrupt the functioning can seriously prostate. Alcohol is harmful to reproduction. The average sperm matures in about four to ten days. This means that alcohol consumption during this period, table the fetus is born defective add.
Regular consumption of beer reduces the power to 50%
Men Often think that the address of the current sources of health is completely dependent on his mother, which leads is the right way of life, such arguments will not do it. Carelessness leads to disastrous consequences: birth defects, heart defects, allergies – some of what can occur in the unborn child. Alcohol is harmful to health, especially for men. Connection with the peculiarities of male hormones in men more often than women, there is a shortage of thiamine or b-complex vitamins, which leads to polyneuropathy, which, in turn, can lead to irreversible changes in the body. The man becomes literally empty eyes. His mental capacity has deteriorated. Reactions are reduced, speech becomes incoherent. He did not see the pois. Eyes and become foggy faded. In addition, over Time can cause problems with the prostate ulcers in the feet or hands. Even a small dose is harmful, not to mention the regular alcohol. Large men the body is able to digest large amounts of alcohol, which reduces and perception dulls the the adequacy.
Effect on the body of a teenager
The young growing body needs vitamins a good and nutrition, adherence of the day. Instead, Teenagers are looking for ways to get other or beer alcoholic drinks. To drink alcohol at events, which is totally unacceptable. Drinking alcoholic beverages during adolescence are especially dangerous. The body of His young and just beginning to Ripen to take shape. Hormones are produced unevenly, which causes or emotional outbursts depression. Worsening of the alcohol situation can cause hormonal problems:
- Prevent growth processes.
- Slow the growth of the neural network of the brain.
- Puberty is invalid, which can cause infertility on.
- Hormonal dysfunction.
- Recorded habits and about preferences.
- The formation of the environment, which leads to degradation.
- The lack of healthy interest and sporting achievements.
- Damage to internal organs.
Harmful to a teenage alcoholic and how? The consequences can be catastrophic. Invalid method in adolescence can lead to several errors in adulthood. Teenagers are not able to rationally assess their situation and take responsibility for their actions. Under the influence of alcohol teenager becomes unmanageable. There are more cases of fights and injuries, wounds. The girls turn their doctors into having an abortion. Parents and teachers should monitor more closely the mood of a teenager and his addiction
What to do?
Encoding – the most common method of treatment of alcoholics. After an attack of delirium tremens, alcoholism and association agreement with the appropriate facility, where relatives and doctors decide what to do next. As a rule, under the skin of the sew is a long-acting medicine which causes repulsion when the spirits and makes this process impossible. The method is really effective, but it works in vain for a short time. Now, when you run out the effect of the drug, alcohol, and long breaks down less binge. In order to be effective treatment, it is necessary for the victim to the doctor went that was interested in the good and results. The encoding of the results often leave much to be desired. After discontinuation of the drug people can get drunk to unconsciousness and death. Alcohol less harmful? Doses What and how often? Use of dry red wine per day a person an alcoholic is not done, because the measured parts of the spirits. Control is lost Kun to develop alcoholism. Treatment requires a comprehensive approach:

- Medication.
- The supervision of a physician.
- The help of a psychologist.
- Consultation on a regular basis.
- Observation in the clinical environment.
- Testing and a medical examination to determine the extent of the damage to the body.
- Complete rejection of alcohol.
The complete removal of the alcohol the human body takes 14 days. This means that in two weeks you can't drink alcohol in order to call myself sober. Tennent can boast of such an enviable state of health. Man must remember that the majority of ethanol – up to 83 % digested in the small intestine. Alcoholism often leads to cancer of the small intestine. It is a very unpleasant disease, which causes the use of the camera and other cancer harm the body. Alcohol is harmful to human health, especially for those who cannot manage and their own weaknesses, whims. Moderate amounts of alcohol can be very useful is to achieve therapeutic goals. Teen-age children and alcohol is totally unacceptable.