Alcohol is firmly entrenched in people's lives and it is impossible to imagine the celebration of that place and party. Each person should know how much you can drink, so as not to damage their health and do not suffer from a hangover.

How to calculate bespohmelnaya amount of alcohol
Paying tribute to the traditions, people and drink at the table during the holidays a variety of alcoholic beverages. But everyone wants to avoid a hangover in the morning, to maintain health. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of alcohol dependence. Anyone can calculate a relatively safe amount of alcohol. There is a special formula that you can learn dose, disposable drinking when you can avoid the guaranteed hangover: pure alcohol 1.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Taking into account that the vodka contains 40% alcohol, in terms of a little alcohol once can drink 3.75 ml 1 kg weight. If the liquor has been extended to 4-5 hours, that dose of alcohol can be increased by 25%.
It is necessary to take into account the age and sex. The older a person is, the harder the body to cope with the consequences of exposure to alcohol. The allowable proportion of women is two times less than that of men. English a variety of additives, dyes, or fragrances also add alcohol syndrome, so a side effect of such drinks is stronger than pure vodka. There are other conditions under which hung over the void to avoid not, even if implemented, the rule of booze:
- mixing different alcoholic beverages;
- strong reception of cocktails and alcohol carbonated beverages;
- binge after a night without sleep;
- Smoking during drinking of alcoholic beverages;
- drinking alcohol on an empty stomach or fatty foods;
- failure to comply with a break of 20-25 minutes between the toast.
The best way to avoid a hangover is moderation in drink.
How much alcohol you can drink a day without harm to the body
When you use alcohol in the liver drops a large load, because of the toxicity of ethanol. But the most sensitive of alcohol on the human brain, which began with irreversible destruction of the cells of constant drinking of intoxicating. The neural network cannot recover, until the next drink. If you don't know how much you can drink vodka and what time interval, you can cause irreparable damage to your health.
Alcohol damages the organs of the human body muiden, but they handle the load a little better than the brain and are recovering faster, if norm is detected in drinking sufficient time. Limited healthy alcohol is people handling pure alcohol 2.4 ml per 1 kg of weight per day, and in terms of vodka – 6 ml. When the consumer would such a rule make a 8-day break, in order for the body to recover and return to normal.
How much alcohol you can drink without risk to sleep
The appearance of alcohol dependence depends on always no alcohol will be consumed. To a greater extent due to genetic predisposition psychological and factors. Even people who drink a lot, when it is necessary, who is capable for a long time without booze. Regular intake But it can cause the use of alcohol and addictive highly addictive. About the term "critical dose" is the maximum dose for humans, which he can enjoy without risking to fall in the 2-3-th alcoholism stage, when a person loses control of his consciousness began serious drinking and a hangover.
People who suspect that he has alcohol dependence, you should know what phase it is in. This is important and prevent the spread of the disease, at least firmly level. So people need to remember how a man need to drink a lot of vodka, so as not to fall even lower, and shows you the rules of willpower to stick to, when he are still unable to control himself. Increase the amount of alcohol can lead to recklessness singing and heavy. People who consume a moderate balance of the 1-2 stage and an alcoholic, I can drink from 100 to 300 grams of vodka 1 to 4 times a month. It causes quite a bit of damage to the body to keep still and sliding into alcohol dependence, which can occur unbeknownst to the drinker.
Doses of variety of alcohol
Any amount of ethyl alcohol is dangerous to health. Man must use caution even if the drug made on the basis of alcohol consumption and to adhere to the rules for admission. We should not ignore gender (men are more resistant to ethanol) and forget about and health problems diseases. If you are not hypersensitive to certain alcohol, the first asian, the man should pay attention to the strength of the drink. The same amount of booze, with different content of ethyl-varieties vary, affect a person.
Drinks that contain colors, flavors and variety of flavors, a lot more harm than good cognac or natural wines. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism each has their own rate of alcohol. There are No precise figures about how much you can drink alcohol every person, but a rough rule is the following: it is impossible to prevent mixing different kinds of alcohol if a violation of these rules to the harmful effects of alcohol more. Women are advised to drink half the male dose. A small allowance But spirits can lead to alcoholism if drinking paid on a regular basis.
Who can't drink alcohol
There are groups who are against the use of any number of vodka a day:
- individuals with 2-3 stages of alcohol addiction;
- gabapentin;
- for those who have suffered a concussion or head injury;
- nervous, aggressive, conflict of personality, which is lost after drinking.
People with various diseases is to abstain from alcohol, and in exceptional cases, unnecessary drink with the permission of the doctor.
Safe dose of alcohol: who and how much?
Alcohol Can be useful?

Yes, if we talk about a heart attack, liver or kidney colic. At the same time, when not in the hands of drugs, you can use cognac or vodka – 1 tablespoon of these to relieve vasospasm drinks and improve the patient's condition before arrival "fast". Help of small doses of alcohol and people suffering from hypotension: 1-2 tablespoons of cognac to the person can lead to feelings, which is low blood pressure. No one is saying that the positive effects on the human body of dry red wine. The fact that the skin of red grapes and grape seeds contain resveratrol – a natural compound that exerts a powerful antioxidant effect. Entering the human body berries or wines produced, the substance prevents the development of this cardiovascular and oncological diseases, delays age-related brain changes and the musculoskeletal system. In addition to wines to improve digestion in a natural and prevent the deposition of cholesterol walls of blood vessels. Although the world health organization prohibits doctors recommend their patients to the drug, any alcoholic beverages. And all, because the useful alcohol may be unnecessary in small doses, in large quantities it ny alcoholism addictive development.
What dose of alcohol is safe?
The recommendations of the same, which consumes men as it should be more 40 g pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). Women And pure 30 grams of alcohol (1.5 bottles of beer, 80 grams or vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And this is assuming that 2 days a week the people will not accept a single drop of alcohol.
When addiction?
Granted alcohol dependence venture units. Most people consider themselves drinker, no, but one person can drink beer from a bottle a day, but daily, and the second drink rarely, but decisively. Which of them is with alcohol problems? World health organization knows the answer to this question. Who experts distinguish four alcohol.
Safe form. This is when a person drinks no more 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) of pure alcohol a week. During the day, alcohol is not allowed-amount will exceed safe dose: 40 ml (for men) 30 ml of ethanol, and (for women).
The threat in the form of. This is when a person exceeds the safe dose and does not follow the system of abstinence. Doctors warn that a man of such attitude alcohol risks in the future become addicted to alcohol and get the "bonus" one of the diseases associated with the excessive consumption of strong alcoholic beverages (liver cirrhosis, peptic ulcer, anemia, heart failure, etc.).
Consumption of harmful consequences. This is when a person drinks heavily (continuous alcohol consumption more than 2 days), I feel an overwhelming desire to nip. Typical symptoms But this form of loss of control over the number of drinks. That is, the person loses a sense of proportion, and therefore more and he is more often as a skunk drunk. The third form of alcoholic beverage use is not considered an addiction, but her brain and significantly the internal organs of the drinker worn.
Alcoholism. This form of alcohol is characterized by a persistent failure of a person to give up alcohol, even though my name is not on the health. At this stage in the changing forms of intoxication, for example, before people are drunk, came and went happy to bed and now she had an aggressive form of behavior. The dose of alcohol consumed in a single day, the most important are gone.
Drink in moderation is, how much?
I don't care if people 70-100 grams of vodka a day of drinking. But we can not 70-100 grams. If we don't have to pour a liter of concentrated time. And health-it does not add. Therefore, it is necessary to get used to the European gp wine consumption. This is useful if one or two glasses of wine a day, but it's quality, — the head of state said.
70 grams or vodka with a glass of wine a day is a bit much or? Who believes that was more than the consumption of 8 liters of pure alcohol a year, threatening not only his health, but also lead to the degradation of society. 70 grams of vodka and 28 ml (22 g) of pure alcohol. If in the drink "of the day", it is a little more than 5 liters of pure alcohol per year — which is below the "red line" by the who. C a glass of wine a day (125 ml of wine, 15 ml (12 g) of pure alcohol) per year is less than 3 liters of alcohol. But, as a rule, from different countries, alcohol consumption is not a significant health risks is considered a week or a day and can be very different.
It is true that wine is safer than spirits?
Several studies show that the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of developing various diseases. For example, you Can hear that moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But maybe wine red heart is not better than beer, wine or spirits, — noted in the clinic , one of the largest private medical research centers in the world. — Is There still no clear evidence that red wine other alcohol is good when it comes to the potential benefits to the heart. It is important to understand that studies comparing moderate drinkers, those who do not drink at all may overestimate the benefits of alcohol. The fact that you may already nondrinkers have health problems — which is why he have stopped drinking. We need more research before we can say that the red heart better than any other alcohol. And if, for example, asia includes wine resveratrol, you can get it-or grapes, grape juice, drink no alcohol, even if the question leads to science, too, has been adequately studied.
Experts from the Centers for control prevention, clearly and diseases of the answer to the question: "is it True that drinking wine as a safer or beer to spirits?". El. Bottle 0.33 l of beer contains the same amount of alcohol, like a glass of wine 150 ml: 50 ml or vodka. The amount of alcohol consumed — it will affect your health more than type of alcohol. Usually the latest recommendations say clearly: no one should begin drinking or drink the idea often, that it is good for health.
What do the experts say?
Benefit from the preference of wine, vodka is very doubtful, — said Konstantin Minkevich, psychiatrist-narcologist 1. qualifications of the class, Family and the doctor — whatever it was-the effect of an alcoholic drink, because of its English composition ethyl alcohol, and it is the same for everyone and wine and beer and vodka. Things What not to drink, but the amount and frequency of use. Currently, the world health organization takes a rather radical views on alcohol consumption, the survey data show that it is completely safe doses of alcohol does not exist, not to mention some of the health benefits. The argument Therefore, that "two or a glass of wine a day is beneficial" is simply not true. Succumbs to moralism I don't want to and require extreme measures, but it is important to understand, that all, without exception, people who consume alcohol, are potentially in danger of alcohol addiction. And one of the risk factors for the development of the disease is the regular use of small doses of weaker alcoholic beverages, such as wine or beer. That the safe dose of alcohol does not happen, said the chief psychiatrist of the ministry of health Ivan Chorzow: "we're talking about harmful dose a little, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism."